Tennessee Suicide Prevention
September 10, 2020 is National Suicide Prevention Day. The more information that is shared about suicide, its warning signs and resources available the better the chance of identifying risk of suicide before an attempt is made.
What is the Latest National Suicide Rate?
The latest suicide rate numbers are 48,000 deaths in the United States annually. It is the 10th leading cause of death in the country from 2018. The most recent data from Tennessee shows suicide as being the 9th leading cause of death in the state (Centers for Disease Control).
Suicide rates are generally measured in numbers per 100,000 residents. The USA’s rate is 14 deaths per 100,000, up 35% from 1999. The rate in Tennessee is 20% more at over 17 deaths per 100,000.
The ages of death hit every age group with the most prominent being ages 45 to 54.
*Note: Death counts of suicides lag and it takes a long time to secure data.
Suicide Rate Increase During Pandemic
There have been many recent news articles regarding the rise in suicide rates resulting from the pandemic and related stress, as well as social isolation. While it is too early to tell the potential rise in numbers, suicide researchers are in general agreement that the rates will rise, just as they did with the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic.
According to U.S. News and World Reports, calls into suicide crisis lines, such as in the San Francisco area are up significantly.
Tennessee Counties with Highest Suicide Rates
The counties with the highest rates of suicide in Tennessee are most often rural counties with fewer resources and access to health providers. These areas may also face a higher risk of social isolation.
5 Tennessee Counties with Highest Suicide Rates
- Houston County
- Humphreys County
- Cheatham County
- Trousdale County
- Cheatham County
Tennessee Resources
The state of Tennessee has numerous resources, training and help available.
Download the TSPN 2020 Resource Directory Mid-Cumberland Region from the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network.