Tennessee Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Tennessee ranks 7th overall as in death rates for cancer overall. The attorneys and law team at Marshall & Associates care about our clients and the Nashville community.
Here are some important facts to know about breast cancer in Tennessee.
- 14 women are diagnosed with breast cancer every day in Tennessee.
- On average, 5,000 to 6000 cases are diagnosed annually in the state of Tennessee.
- Women over 40 years old in the Southwest, Northwest and East Tennessee show a higher rate of not getting tested (not having mammograms) compared to other women in the state.
- According to the Tennessee state government website, in the most recent four-year data period breast cancer cases were 2nd in counts for all cancers only exceeded by lung cancer cases.
- During the same four-year data period, the state of Tennessee reported over 4500 deaths with breast cancer identified as the primary cause.
- According to the state of Tennessee, breast cancer treatment costs exceeded all other cancer treatments in the state.
- Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer in women in Tennessee and ranks 2nd to lung cancer in all cancer-related deaths in the state.
How to Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer
The month of October is designated as Breast Cancer Awareness month. Awareness, prevention, and early detection are key to combatting this cancer successfully.
What can you do to reduce the risk of breast cancer?
Research has shown there are several risk factors that contribute to breast cancer. Here are the steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing breast cancer.
- Refrain from vaping or smoking.
- Limit alcohol intake to 1 drink or fewer per day.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Breast-feed for as long as you can with your children.
- Aim for 2.5 hours of aerobic activity a week.
- Limit hormone therapy treatments.
- Avoid radiation exposure.
How do I identify breast cancer early?
- Perform regular self-exams.
- Screen with a mammogram
- Ages 40 to 44 – optional to get a mammogram annually
- Ages 45 to 54 – should get a mammogram annually
- Ages 55 +–can opt for a mammogram every other year or stick with the annual screening
For those with a family history of breast cancer or have a gene (BRCA1 or BRCA2) known to increase risk, the American Cancer Society recommends annual mammograms starting at age thirty along with a breast MRI.